Apple iPhone X review by MrMobile [Michael Fisher]

Publish Date:
November 8, 2017

  • Works as advertised High
  • Aesthetic design High
  • Easy to use/maintain Medium
  • Reliable/Durable Medium
  • Worth the money Low

Title: iPhone X Review: Great, But Not Grand
By: MrMobile [Michael Fisher]

The iPhone 10, while offering cutting-edge technology and a sleek design, comes with a steep price tag that may not be justified for the average consumer. Its features are on par with other flagship smartphones, but the cost may deter some potential buyers. Apple loyalists and those willing to invest in the ecosystem will appreciate the device, but others may find better value elsewhere. Consider protective solutions such as Tech 21 cases to safeguard your investment.
Apple iPhone X specs and Apple  X video reviews and merits score.

Price: $730

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Apple iPhone X

Category : Phone

Release Year: 2017

  • 7
  • 5
  • Overall Merits Score

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