Apple iPhone 6S review by Brandon Butch

Publish Date:
June 11, 2021

  • Works as advertised High
  • Aesthetic design Medium
  • Easy to use/maintain Medium
  • Reliable/Durable Medium
  • Worth the money Low

Title: iOS 15 on iPhone 6S - Review
By: Brandon Butch

The reviewer found that the iPhone 6s runs iOS 15 Beta 1 reasonably well, with some performance and battery life issues. He recommends against installing the beta on a main device but suggests trying it on a secondary device. The battery drain on the home screen was a significant issue, and the overall battery life was poor. He also encountered bugs related to Facetime and the new features of the iOS 15. While the device supports most new features of iOS 15, the overall experience was not very satisfactory.
Apple iPhone 6S specs and Apple  6S video reviews and merits score.

Price: $195

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Apple iPhone 6S

Category : Phone

Release Year: 2015

  • 6
  • 0
  • Overall Merits Score

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