Fiture Core Smart Mirror review by Connect The Watts

Publish Date:
May 15, 2022

  • Works as advertised High
  • Aesthetic design High
  • Easy to use/maintain High
  • Reliable/Durable Medium
  • Worth the money Medium

Title: FITURE In-Depth Review - the smartest fitness mirror?
By: Connect The Watts

The Fitcher connected fitness mirror is a visually appealing and functional product. It offers unique features such as automatic rep counting and form feedback, gesture control, and custom workout building. The design is attractive, and it is easy to use and maintain. The motion engine provides accurate rep counting, although it may struggle in low light or with certain movements. The membership includes a good variety of classes, with a focus on HIT workouts. The use of gamification and sound design enhances the workout experience. However, improvements such as adding live classes, better stat tracking, and the ability to export data to a third-party platform would enhance the overall value of the product. Overall, the Fitcher connected fitness mirror is a compelling option for those who enjoy shorter workouts or HIT training.

Fiture Core Smart Mirror

Category : Sports

  • 6
  • 1
  • Overall Merits Score

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