Samsung Galaxy S20 review by Simple Alpaca

Publish Date:
January 8, 2022

  • Works as advertised High
  • Aesthetic design Medium
  • Easy to use/maintain High
  • Reliable/Durable High
  • Worth the money High

Title: Samsung S20: Still Worth Buying After 2 Years?
By: Mark Spurrell

The Samsung Galaxy S20 is a highly recommended device that is still powerful even in 2021. It has a beautiful display, decent battery life, great performance, and is still supported with software updates. Although the back of the phone is not the best-looking, it is still a reliable and durable device that is worth the investment. Additionally, the reviewer notes that some app developers don't utilize the full capability of the camera, but overall the cameras are still excellent.

Samsung Galaxy S20

Category : Phone

Release Year: 2020

  • 8
  • 0
  • Overall Merits Score

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