Microsoft Xbox One review by Polygon

Publish Date:
November 20, 2013

  • Works as advertised High
  • Aesthetic design Medium
  • Easy to use/maintain Medium
  • Reliable/Durable Low
  • Worth the money Medium

Title: Xbox One review - Polygon
By: Polygon

The Xbox One shows potential for the future with its innovative features and strong media strategy, but falls short in terms of reliability and lack of system-selling games. The console is also fairly large and lacks space-saving design features. It's worth the money for those looking for the latest technology, but not for those seeking a reliable gaming system.
Microsoft Xbox One specs and Microsoft  One video reviews and merits score.

Price: $379

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Microsoft Xbox One

Category : Gaming

Release Year: 2013

  • 6
  • 4
  • Overall Merits Score

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