Title: Test Lenovo Duet IdeaPad Chromebook : une tablette aux multiples facettes ! By: Tech Live
The Lenovo Chromebook Duet is a well-built, attractive, and budget-friendly device that has changed the narrative around Chrome OS tablets. Its metal exterior and glass front exude quality, and the bundled keyboard and back piece with kickstand make it versatile. The 1080p+ screen, upgraded speakers, and long battery life are impressive for a budget device, and the MediaTek P60T processor and 4GB RAM operate smoothly with Chrome OS’s latest gestures for a fun, iPad-like tablet experience. The device also runs Android apps well and provides support for USI styluses. Overall, the Lenovo Chromebook Duet is a great device for tablet users, Chromebook users, and families looking for an affordable and performance-driven device that is easy to use and maintain.