Apple iPhone X review by Engadget

Publish Date:
November 3, 2017

  • Works as advertised High
  • Aesthetic design High
  • Easy to use/maintain Medium
  • Reliable/Durable High
  • Worth the money High

Title: iPhone X review
By: Engadget

The iPhone 10 is a departure from the norm, redefining what it means for an iPhone to be an iPhone. It is an impeccably built machine with a high-quality design and excellent OLED screen. The new features such as Face ID and Animoji work well, though there are some minor flaws. The camera performance is solid, and the A11 chip provides sufficient power for daily use. While the battery life is just alright, the iPhone 10 showcases a promising future for Apple's smartphones.
Apple iPhone X specs and Apple  X video reviews and merits score.

Price: $730

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Apple iPhone X

Category : Phone

Release Year: 2017

  • 7
  • 5
  • Overall Merits Score

Dani Al Aug 25th, 2018 Agree

Awesome review thanks!