Title: Apple TV 4K (3rd Gen) Review - 6 Months Later By: 6 Months Later
The reviewer praises the Apple TV 4K for its superior software experience, thanks to the A15 Bionic chip. They highlight its excellent picture quality, supporting Dolby Vision and HDR10. The Apple TV app is commended for aggregating shows and movies across various streaming services, and the absence of ads is appreciated. The integration with other Apple devices and the benefits of the Apple ecosystem, such as spatial audio with AirPods, are emphasized. The Siri functionality and smart home integration are also praised. The reviewer mentions the user-friendly remote and its convenient power button. However, they note that certain features are limited to Apple's ecosystem. The inconvenience of re-entering streaming service passwords when upgrading is mentioned as a downside. Despite being more expensive than other TV streaming devices, the reviewer believes the Apple TV 4K is worth the price for its performance, picture quality, and features. They suggest considering the Ethernet model for a more reliable internet connection and compatibility with Thread-supported smart home devices. The review concludes by encouraging viewers to check out other Apple device reviews and TV streaming device reviews on the channel.