Apple TV 4K review by Chris Wilmshurst

Publish Date:
August 14, 2023

  • Works as advertised High
  • Aesthetic design Medium
  • Easy to use/maintain High
  • Reliable/Durable High
  • Worth the money Medium

Title: The Apple TV is Underrated.
By: Chris Wilmshurst

The reviewer believes that the Apple TV is an underrated product that offers efficiency, ease of use, and a long lifespan compared to smart TVs. They praise its fast and fluid interface, powerful chip, and seamless integration with other Apple devices. The ability to stream games using Steam Link is highlighted as a major selling point, although the game selection on the Apple TV is criticized. The reviewer also mentions the temperamental remote and praises the Apple TV's functionality as a hub for smart home products. The long-term support and value for money of the Apple TV are emphasized. Overall, the reviewer recommends considering the Apple TV as an excellent media player and hub for various functionalities.

Apple TV 4K

Category : TV

  • 7
  • 8
  • Overall Merits Score

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